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Your Opportunity:You’re logical, investigative, and detail-oriented – just the kind of person we need at Alberta Precision Laboratories for the role of Medical Laboratory Technologist. In this role, you help clinicians and patients get the...


LAB00018586 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:This vacancy is eligible for the Recruitment Incentive. Relocation assistance may be available with a Return of Service Agreement. Swan Hills, with its population of 1,201, is a small town in northern Alberta surrounded by Big Lakes....


LAB00018618 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:This vacancy is eligible for the Recruitment Incentive. Relocation assistance may be available with a Return of Service Agreement. Swan Hills, with its population of 1,201, is a small town in northern Alberta surrounded by Big Lakes....


LAB00018617 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:This vacancy is eligible for the Recruitment Incentive. Relocation assistance may be available with a Return of Service Agreement. Milk River Laboratory is located in the Milk River Health Centre and serves the town as well as its...


LAB00018623 Requisition #

Your Opportunity:This vacancy is eligible for the Recruitment Incentive. Relocation assistance may be available with a Return of Service Agreement. Bow Island Laboratory is located in the Bow Island Health Centre and serves the town as well as its...


LAB00018116 Requisition #

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